Membership Levels


To become a member of the Order of the Arrow, a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, or Venture Scout is chosen by vote of the youths in his or her unit. This is a unique feature of the Order since the majority of those who select their candidates for this honor are not members of the lodge. However, lodge members in the unit have a vote as well as nonmembers. In this way membership is controlled by the youths in their own units and not by those who are already Arrowmen. Elections must be conducted by Chapter or Lodge representatives who are not a member of the unit conducting the election.

Ordeal & Induction

You have a long and toilsome journey ahead of you. It is a journey that will help you grow, give you many opportunities for fun and fellowship, and will take you as far as you want to go. The first step is an Ordeal. Read the Candidate Information Packet if it has not already been given to you, and read the Ordeal FAQ if you still have questions. We can’t wait for you to come out and officially become part of our Lodge!


After 6 months as an Arrowman, you are eligible to become a Brotherhood Member—one who has completed their induction into the OA. There is an involved ceremony through which you will crystallize and recommit to what you learned in your Ordeal and attain Brotherhood status. It is important to note that Brotherhood is the only honor status that you can attain on your own. The Ordeal and Vigil honor status are bestowed upon worthy Scouts and Scouters through a nomination process.

Chapters, if you are holding a Brotherhood ceremony at your chapter or district event or anywhere that is not an Ordeal Assembly, you must fill out the Brotherhood Ceremony Induction Form.

Brotherhood Ceremony Induction Form

Brotherhood Walk Instructional Video
Password is the answer to “Have you seen the arrow?” (all lowercase, no spaces)

The OA Song (on YouTube)


The Vigil Honor is just that, an honor. It cannot be earned by meeting a list of requirements, but rather is a recognition bestowed by the Lodge upon those who have given exceptional service to the Order of the Arrow. A call for Vigil nominations is emailed several weeks before each Ordeal weekend. Note: You do not need to be a Vigil member to nominate someone for this honor.

Vigil nominations are now open through midnight February 28, 2025.